Transparency Reporting

Fiscal Year 2024/2025 Board Approved Budget
Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Board Approved Budget
2022/23 Summary of Expenditures
2022-23 financial statement
Listing of Collective Bargaining Agreements
Health Care Benefit Plans - 2024
Health Care Benefits act
  • Bids required under Section 5 of the Public Employee Health Benefits Act, 2007 PA 106, MCL 124.75.
  • Lakeview has self-funded Health Benefit Plans.
 District evaluation tools for Teachers
District evaluation tools for administrators
Salary and Benefit Description of Superintendent and All Employees
In an effort to be as transparent as possible with the largest single expense category the District has in the Budget, we are providing all employee wages by position for calendar year 2023.  The format of this report is from lowest to highest earner, and includes all part-time, full-time, salary, hourly, extra pay, and overtime wages earned by individuals who were employed by the District during this time.
Lobbying Information
  • The district did not incur costs for lobbying in 2022-2023.

Out-of-State Travel Information
  • The district did not incur costs for out-of-state travel by a district administrator for 2022-2023
Dues and Fees Information
District Procurement & Expense Reimbursement Information
Credit Card Information
Deficit Elimination Plan Information
  • The district did not have any funds in a deficit for the 2021-2022 school year 
Lakeview Public Schools Extended COVID-19 Continuity of Learning Plan
Lakeview Public Schools
FOIA Coordinator
Alyssa Calderon
586-445-4000 x. 2501