Student Services » Special Education

Special Education

Lakeview Public Schools in collaboration with the Macomb Intermediate School District (MISD) offers a continuum of special education programs and services designed to meet the unique educational needs of each child with an identified disability
pre-school through 12th grade and transition years. 

Students access special education programs and services through a comprehensive evaluation process initiated by the school team or parent. Once a student becomes eligible, programs and services can only be determined through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) plan developed by the school team and parent. Students with disabilities must have an educational need for specially designed instruction, programs and services to be eligible.

Each school has a Teacher Consultant, Resource Teacher(s), Speech and Language Therapist and Social Work.  Ancillary service such as occupation therapy or physical therapy are provided through the MISD.  The MISD provides specialized consultation to Lakeview staff on behavior, medical issues and other unique circumstances when teams need additional support in programming for a student.  The MISD also provides programs for students who are most in need of the highest level of educational support.  These programs are located in various places in Macomb County and transportation is provided to and from these specialized programs. 

Lakeview hosts the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) Program for Macomb County.  The DHH Oral program is offered pre-school through 12th grade (Greenwood Elementary, Jefferson Middle School and Lakeview High School).  The DHH Total Communication program is only offered at Lakeview High School.  Referrals for this program can only be made by the sending resident district and the IEP team must determine if a placement at Lakeview is the most appropriate placement.

Lisa Kepler
School Psychologist
Early Childhood Center/

School Psychologist
[email protected]

Morgan Holcombe
School Social Worker
[email protected]

Allyson Moore
School Social Worker

Early Childhood Center/Parochial
[email protected]
Alexxis Felice
School Social Worker
[email protected]
Andrew Quesnelle
Social Worker
[email protected]
Jennifer Rouleau
Speech Language Pathologist
[email protected]

Lauren Leija
Speech Language Pathologist

Kristine Mueller
Speech Language Pathologist
[email protected]
Kara O'neill
Speech Language Pathologist
Early Childhood Center
[email protected]
Abby Bushaw
Speech Language Pathologist
[email protected]

Deanna Ray
Speech Language Pathologist

[email protected]
Jordan Vangampelaere
Speech Language Pathologist
[email protected]
Emily Markov
Speech Language Pathologist
[email protected]